CALLBasic System Variables

System Variable Type Description / Value Returned
$areacode String The number being dialed on that port during an Out Dial application., from the ‘Area Code’ field in the CALLMaster Manager Out Dial Screen or OutcallSchedule Table.
$calls Integer The total number of calls in the system since last start-up. This should match the Call Count from the CALLMaster - Main Window.
$channel Integer The current channel or line number of the call.
$col Integer The total number of calls on this port since last start-up.
$contype Integer The type of connection type event made. i.e. 3=Voice, 4=answering machine.
$cr Integer Call Results of an Out Diall attempt. i.e. 10=connect, 18=connect fax machine.
$CSN String Used by SMDI to return the caller's phone number. Returns the caller ID input from the external unit.
$day Integer The day of the month, a value between 1 and 31.
$DBError Integer Database action result.  Set to 1 if occurrence of error after a database action (e.g. open, read). Must be initialized to 0 before issuance of each database command.
$dialprefix String The dialing prefix of the number being dialed on that port during an Out Dial application., from the ‘Dialing Prefix’ field in the OutcallSchedule Table.
$dow Integer The day of the week, a value between 1 and 7. (1=Sunday; 7=Saturday)
$doy Integer The day of the year, a value between 0 and 365.
$DQuote String Represents Double Quote (‘) character.
$error Integer The last error encountered on that port, or a zero.
$faxsent String The fax transmission result - ‘OK’ (successful) or ‘NOK’ (not successful).
$faxresult String The fax transmission result. A numeric code returned by the Dialogic board.
$FF String Form Feed inserts a new page
$FR String Used in SMDI to return the forwarding reason.
$FSN String Used in SMDI to return the forwarding station number, & in caller ID to return the caller's name (if provided).
$hour Integer The current hour, a value between 0 and 23.
$lcddisplay String The LCD display string used with the Digital Integration Boards (D/42JCT-U, D/82JCT-U).
$minute Integer The current minute, a value between 0 and 59.
$modulenum Integer The value of current Audiotex module key.
$month Integer The year, a value between 1 and 12. (1=January; 12=December)
$NL   Use this command to issue a carriage return.
$odAMmsgIDs String The value in the AMMsgIDs field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odbusyretrycount Integer The value in the BusyRetryCount field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odbusyretrymax Integer The value of the BusyRetryMax field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odbusyretrytime Integer The value of the BusyRetryTime field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$oddata String The value of the Data field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$oddaystocall String The value of the DaysToCall field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$oddisconnectreason String The value of the DisconnectReason field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odearliesthour DateTime The value of the EarliestHour field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odexpires DateTime The value of the Expires field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odfaxIDs String The value of the FaxIDs field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odflags String The value of the Flags field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odlastcalltime DateTime The value of the LastCallTime field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odlatesthour DateTime The value of the LatestHour field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odmailbox String The value of the Mailbox field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odmemo String The value of the Memo field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odmsgIDs String The  value of the MsgIDs field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odname String The value of the Name field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odnoanswerretrycount Integer The value of the NoAnswerRetryCount field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odnoanswerretrymax Integer The value of the NoAnswerRetryMax field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odnoanswerretrytime Integer The value of the NoAnswerRetryTime field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odnoconfirmretrycount Integer The value of the NoConfirmRetryCount field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odnoconfirmretrymax Integer The value of the NoConfirmRetryMax field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odnoconfirmretrytime Integer The value of the NoConfirmRetryTime field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odnotes String The value of the Notes field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odreceivetones String The value of the ReceiveTones field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odrecordedmsgIDs String The value of the RecordedMsgIDs field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odrings Integer The value of the Rings field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odsecs Integer The value of the Secs field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odsendtones String The value of the SendTones field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odstartdatetime Integer The value of the StartDateTime field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odstartmodule Integer The value of the AudiotexModule field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$odstatus String The value of the Status field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$oduserdatetime Integer The value of the UserDateTime field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$outdialID Integer The value of the ID field in the OutcallSchedule table.
$phonenum String The phone number being dialed on that port during an Out Dial application., from the ‘Phone No’ field in the CALLMaster Manager Out Dialing Screen or OutcallSchedule Table.
$rand Integer A random number between 0 and 32,767.
$sec Integer The current seconds, a value between 0 and 59.
$today DateTime Format: MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS military time;
For use in command 1) SayDate for month and day (e.g. January twenty fifth), and
2) SayTime for hour, minute and am/pm (e.g. Seven forty-five pm).
$tt String The caller's touch-tone response to the current module.
$year Integer Format: YYYY; Returns the current 4 digit year.
CALLBasic Error Handling (use in CALLBasic script to point to Audiotex module for error handling)
exit Integer Format: exit = xxxx, where xxxx is the module number to handle # key.
lctrap Integer Format: lctrap = xxxx, where xxxx is the module number to handle a hang-up.
Caller ID (Services supported – CLASS, ACLIP, CLIP , JCLIP Japanese CLIP)
Dialogic Board must support Caller-id. If the call is answered before Caller ID information has been received, Caller ID information will not be available. 2 rings required in the CLASS and ACLIP services (USA); 1 ring required for CLIP and JCLIP (Europe& Japan).
$absence1 String Reason for absence of Caller ID (only available if caller name is absent): O = out of area, P = private
$absence2 String Reason for absence of name (only available if caller name is absent): O = out of area, P = private
$callerid String Caller Id string sent by the phone company. Could be upto 256 characters and contain the phone number. CALLMaster must receive atleast 2 rings to get the Caller-id.
$calltype String 1= voice call, 2 = ring back when free call, 129 = message waiting call - (CLIP only)
$dn String Directory Number (caller's phone number)
$ddn String Dialed Directory Number (callee's phone number) or DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service)
$name String Caller's subscriber name. Contains name of caller as returned in the caller-id.
$netmsg String Network Message System status: number of messages waiting - (CLIP only)
$qualifier String L = long distance call
$redirect String Call forward: 0 = universal; 1 = busy; 2 = unanswered
ASR System Variables
$ASR Integer Flag to check if ASR enabled.  Return 1 if ASR enabled or 0 if not enabled.
$ASRConfidence Floating Point The confidence score from the Speech Recognition engine.
$ASRREQConfidence Integer Required confidence if set in the TexttoRecognize file. -1=low, 0=med, 1=high.
$ASRSAPIConfidence Integer The confidence score from the SAPI engine. -1=low, 0=med, 1=high.