CALLMaster Database Installation Setup

CALLMaster is shipped with an MS SQL 2008 database.  The database file, CALLMasterSQL.mdf, is located in the CALLMaster\Data folder.  
During installation, CALLMaster will install SQL Server 2008 Express on the local computer and will connect the database (CALLmasterSQL.mdf) to this server.

This connection string and provider name is stored in the Windows registry.

The database connection string at installation is stored with variable DBName as follows:
        "Data Source=localhost\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=CALLMasterSQL;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=5"

The database provider at installation is stored with variable DBProvider as follows:
        "Provider=SQLNCLI10;MARS Connection=True;"

Changing the CALLMaster Database Connection

If you wish to use the installation setup for the CALLMaster database, then you do not have to make any changes.

If you are running another SQL Server and wish to use this server instead of the SQL Server 2008 Express, you will need to modify the connection string and provider in the Windows registry.  For details see Appendix K - Changing the CALLMaster Database Connection and Provider.

Separate Database for the OutcallSchedule tables

If you are using the Out Dial function, the OutcallSchedule and OutcallScheduleCompleted tables can be in a database separate from the CALLMaster database. CALLMaster allows you to set-up a connection string to point to any database desired. See Out Dial for details on how to set-up these connection strings.


You are now ready to Start CALLMaster.